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Speed Up Windows 7 – Master Tutorial To Make Windows 7 Super Fast

Speed Up Windows 7 – Master Tutorial To Make Windows 7 Super Fast

1. Registry Tweaks:

Following topic contains a few registry tweaks to optimize your system performance and add a few useful extras:

2. Right-click on Computer icon on Desktop and select Properties (or press WIN + Pause/Break keys). Now click on Advanced system settings link in left side pane (You can open it directly by giving sysdm.cpl command in RUN or start menu search box). Now click on Settings button in Performance section:


It’ll open another window. Disable all unnecessary options in Visual Effects tab, you can leave following options enabled according to your requirements:

  • Enable Aero Peek (If you want to use Aero Peek feature)
  • Enable desktop composition (If you want to use Windows Aero theme)
  • Enable transparent glass (If you want to use transparency in Windows)
  • Show thumbnails instead of icons (If you want to show thumbnails in Explorer)
  • Show window contents while dragging (If you want windows to show contents while moving them)
  • Smooth edges of screen fonts (If you want to show smooth fonts)
  • Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop (If you want to show shadows under desktop icon labels)
  • Use visual styles on windows and buttons (If you want to use Windows Aero or Basic theme)


3. Open Windows Explorer and go to “Organize -> Folder and Search Options” and click on “View” tab.

Now disable following options:

  • Display file size information in folder tips
  • Hide extensions for known file types
  • Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color
  • Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items


4. Right-click on Computer icon on Desktop and select Manage (You can also open it directly by giving services.msc command in RUN or start menu search box).

Now go to Services & Applications -> Services. Here you can set a few unnecessary services to Manual, so that these services don’t start automatically with Windows and you can get a faster startup.


Here is a list of services that can be safely set to MANUAL:

  • Application Experience
  • Computer Browser (If your computer is not connected to any network)
  • Desktop Window Manager Session Manager (If you don’t use Aero glass theme)
  • Diagnostic Policy Service
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client
  • IP Helper
  • Offline Files
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service
  • Print Spooler (If you don’t have a Printer)
  • Protected Storage
  • Remote Registry
  • Secondary Logon
  • Security Center
  • Server (If your computer is not connected to any network)
  • Tablet PC Input Service
  • TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (If you are not in a workgroup network)
  • Themes ( If you use Windows Classic theme)
  • Windows Error Reporting Service
  • Windows Media Center Service Launcher
  • Windows Search (If you don’t use Windows Search feature frequently)
  • Windows Time (If you don’t want to update system tray clock time using Internet)

PS: You can see the details of each service to determine whether you should disable it or not.

5. Type msconfig in RUN or Start Menu search box and press Enter. Now go to Startup tab and disable unwanted startup entries. You can disable your graphics card’s driver utility, Sound Card utility, etc to speed up the system startup and to increase system performance.


6. Open Sound applet in Control Panel (or type mmsys.cpl in RUN or Start Menu search box and press Enter). Now go to Sounds tab and select No Soundsfrom Sound Scheme section. You can keep some of your favorite sounds enabled but make sure to set Exit Windows, Windows Log off, Windows Logon and Start Navigation to (None).


Also disable “Play Windows Startup sound” option to disable the sound clip which is played at login screen.

7. Also don’t forget to:

  • Install only necessary software
  • Use the latest device drivers
  • Keep your Windows up-to-date

After following all the above mentioned points, you’ll definitely notice major improvements in your Windows 7 performance. 

자료만 받아갈줄 아는 회원님들께, 개발자님들에게 최소한의 경우는 우리가 피드백으로 보답하는 겁니다

문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 10
총 댓글수: 590
좋은 정보 감사합니다,,


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2016:02.09
총 게시물수: 30
총 댓글수: 1754
Windows 7 사용자인데 적용 해볼만한 사항이 여럿 보이는군요.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 1
총 댓글수: 877
유용한 팁 감사합니다..


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2016:07.02
총 게시물수: 340
총 댓글수: 8851
좋은 정보 감사드립니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2018:08.20
총 게시물수: 58
총 댓글수: 360
기존알고있는 내용이지만 감사합니다.

사운드부분은 처음봤네요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 영어몰라도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ따라하면 되겠네요 ㄳㄳㄳ


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2015:11.28
총 게시물수: 823
총 댓글수: 7588
거의 모두 오프해도 잘 되네요. 윈도우7


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 10
총 댓글수: 26
ㅋㅋㅋ 영어가 안되어서 한참봤네요 ㅋㅋ
좋은정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 0
총 댓글수: 12453
[알탱이님 에게]
축하드립니다. ;)
알탱이님은 행운의포인트에 당첨되어 5포인트 지급되었습니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2018:11.08
총 게시물수: 7
총 댓글수: 400
영어는 몰라도 따라해봄직하네요~ 감사합니다


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2018:10.06
총 게시물수: 1
총 댓글수: 889
유용한 팁 감사합니다..


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2016:08.01
총 게시물수: 13
총 댓글수: 688
끈이 짧습니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 1
총 댓글수: 31
저사양 PC에 좋을듯, 감사함니다


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 23
총 댓글수: 1580
실력이 미천하지만 해석 해볼께요 ㅎ


2016.08.05 08:19
가입일: 2016:06.19
총 게시물수: 67
총 댓글수: 974
해석해주실분 안계시나요?


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 0
총 댓글수: 3
고맙습니다. 참고할께요.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 1
총 댓글수: 75
좋은 정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 3
총 댓글수: 269
좋은 정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.05 08:19
총 게시물수: 0
총 댓글수: 165


2017.05.02 11:32
가입일: 2015:11.27
총 게시물수: 7
총 댓글수: 1065

헉 영어네요



2017.05.18 23:50
총 게시물수: 0
총 댓글수: 112

앗! 울렁증이 ㅡㅡ;; 

몰라도 일단 Go!


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