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작성자: 달림이 조회 수: 365 PC모드
Hello Windows Insiders!
Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15025 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring as the primary build for the second Creator’s Update Bug Bash which starts on Friday. Please look for a detailed bug bash blog post on Friday morning PST. We have discovered a bug that impacts our ability to release this build to PCs running 32-bit (x86) versions of Windows 10 Insider Preview builds. Because the majority of Insiders in the Fast ring have PCs running 64-bit (x64) – we decided to go ahead and release this build with 32-bit PCs blocked until our next flight. We plan to release ISOs for this build by the end of the week and Insiders on 32-bit PCs will be able to update from the ISOs.
Announcing braille support in Narrator: We love getting feedback from our visually-impaired Insiders and implementing features to support your needs. It’s so important that we keep our diverse customers in mind as we co-create with you. Today, we are excited to announce braille support for Narrator . This experience is currently in beta. So try it out and give us feedback! In order to use braille with Narrator, you will need to do the following:
Note detailed documentation about braille display key mappings will be made available in the Narrator User Guide closer to when the Windows 10 Creators Update is released.
NOTE: There are coexistence issues with braille support and third party screen readers. Until the documentation is available, we recommend that braille be enabled for Narrator only on PCs that do not also have a third-party screen reader configured to use a braille display.
New mono audio option in Ease of Access settings: Visually impaired users use a screen reader application to read the PC screen content and information to them, and frequently use headphones or earbuds to hear the computer when in meetings or having conversations with others. When doing so, they generally use only one earbud to hear the PC in one ear so the other ear is free to hear conversations and sounds around them. That can cause them to not hear sounds that may be directed to the other earbud. In order to change the sound to be mono mode and so all audio is directed to both ears, they used to need a physical earphone adapter. You can now switch your audio to mono straight from the new Audio section under Settings > Ease of Access > Other options.
Introducing Collections in Feedback Hub: A few months ago, we asked you what was one of your biggest pieces of feedback about the Feedback Hub. You said, “too many duplicate pieces of feedback!”. We love working with you to create a better experience for everyone using the Feedback Hub, so today we are so happy to announce Collections. Collections are now live in Feedback Hub starting with app version 1.1612.10251.0.
A Collection groups together feedback for similar problems and suggestions into single items that bring together all the voices who expressed that sentiment in one place. All of your individual voices will be amplified when your feedback and upvotes are joined together into collections, and you’ll be able to see just how big your voice can become. Same as with individual feedback, you’ll be able to upvote Collections, upload screenshots to show the engineering team a problem you’re seeing or a suggestion you have, and comment on the feedback with others.
Thank you for your feedback, Insiders. Because of you, the Feedback Hub is becoming better for ALL customers.
More night light improvements: The night light color temperature range has been extended to go down to very red (1200 K) and the entire range of the slider now works correctly.
Other changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
This week, we are in Nairobi, Kenya at the NexTech Africa Conference (where we will be announcing an East Africa Fellowship as well as participating in sessions around Engineering at Scale and Digital Transformation at Scale.
You’ll recall that last September we gathered at the Co-Creation Hub in Lagos to kick off the very first #Insiders4Good Fellowship. After reviewing over 5,000 applications, in November we announced the first cohort of 25 diverse people with diverse ideas to change Nigeria, Africa, and the world. We are inspired by the ideas from those 25 entrepreneurs, and hopeful that their creativity and hard work can address decades-old problems like illiteracy, kidnapping, agricultural waste, healthcare access, and much more.
We started in Nigeria because of what we could learn from that market. 1 of every 7 Africans lives in Nigeria. 41 percent of working-age Nigerians were involved in an early-stage business in the preceding three and a half years. 81% of Nigerians value entrepreneurship as a career choice. As with other countries in Africa, we can also learn a lot from working alongside social entrepreneurs overcoming obstacles: regulations, processes, and custom; working around corruption; mitigating poor electricity, roads, and connectivity.
Over the next few months, our fellowship cohort has received support from Microsoft and from the Windows Insider community. They’ve received hardware, software, tailored mentorship and access to our global network of people and organizations spanning nearly every industry and geography. As we enter month three of the #Insiders4Good Nigeria fellowship, we’re honored to watch these 25 Fellows progress together from a group of strangers from all across Nigeria—to a cohesive community of creative leaders with promising ideas—into a group of friends, together growing those ideas into viable businesses to make Nigeria a better place to live.
In working with the Nigeria Fellows, we’ve learned so much. Literally every day we use their learnings to improve Windows, and improve the Microsoft tech stack. For example, this month back in Seattle we are focusing on improving the Windows experience in low-bandwidth regions. This is a HUGE focus in our bug bash and we are having “Nigeria Day” where we will encourage the whole Windows team to run quests on a 2G network we have set up.This focus area is a direct result of our time spent in Nigeria working with our Fellows, and hearing about their difficulties when the power goes out or the wireless is poor.
We’re not done learning yet. Not even close. In fact, we’re doubling down. Today, in partnership with GrowthAfrica, the Windows Insider Program is thrilled to expand our #Insiders4Good fellowship to East Africa. The #Insiders4Good East Africa Fellowship will be awarded to 25 entrepreneurs from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda who have innovative social business ideas with the potential to improve their communities, the East African region, and the world. #Insiders4Good Fellows will receive a suite of Microsoft hardware and software, plus six months of tailored technical and strategic mentorship from local and international leaders.
Thousands in East Africa are creating extraordinary solutions that change the way communities and businesses solve problems and improve people’s lives. Innovation is in the DNA of all Windows Insiders. East Africa is a key region where exciting new ideas are growing. We’ve been impressed and heartened by the progress made already by the first 25 #Insiders4Good Fellows in Nigeria, and we’re thrilled to expand the #Insiders4Good Fellowship into East Africa. The region is well known as a hotbed of technological innovation.We look forward to deepening our relationships with these exceptional entrepreneurs across East Africa and to supporting their goals with this Fellowship.
The #Insiders4Good Fellowship aims to recognize visionary entrepreneurs, enable them with technology and expert support, and unlock opportunities for them through the global network of Windows Insiders, the world’s largest community of people using technology to solve problems. The Fellowship aims to accelerate their journeys toward achieving their goals.
The deadline to apply for the #Insiders4Good Fellowship is March 31, 2017, 23:59 p.m. East Africa Time. However, applicants are encouraged to apply well in advance of the deadline. Applicants should visit Insiderfellows.com for full information and the application form.
Windows Insiders are the millions who represent the billions. Come join us today.
Keep hustling team,
Dona <3
Updated February 1, 2017 9:26 pm
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