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Today, Microsoft released a new Windows 10 Insider Preview for PCs, bringing the build number to 17741. It doesn't contain much in the way of new features, but one thing that's changed is the version number. Redstone 5 is now officially Windows 10 version 1809.


Windows 10 version numbers are based on the date that the update will be released to the general public. The first two digits are the year, and the last two are the month. 1809 means September 2018, so that's when you can expect Insiders to receive the final build for the update. Of course, that doesn't mean that's when it will be publicly released. Non-Insiders will probably see the update in October.

While this doesn't really mean anything to the end user, it's a small milestone in the development cycle. After all, Redstone 5 has been developed under version 1803 for months.

It will be interesting to see what the next version of Windows 10 will be. Microsoft is ditching Redstone codenames in favor of those that reflect the date, similar to version numbers, but a bit more vague. The next update will be 19H1, meaning the first half of 2019. It seems likely that that will eventually go to the same naming scheme that we all know, and will be called 1903.

But for the time being, we finally have a version number for Redstone 5, which is 1809.

자료만 받아갈줄 아는 회원님들께, 개발자님들에게 최소한의 경우는 우리가 피드백으로 보답하는 겁니다

문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2018.08.22 02:31
총 게시물수: 24
총 댓글수: 760
어느덧 RS5 나오는군요. 일반 사용자 입장에선 헷갈리기도 또 그런갑다하는 두가지 생각이 교차하네요.


2018.08.22 03:59
가입일: 2016:05.06
총 게시물수: 310
총 댓글수: 13182
요즘 배포방식이나 작명은 정말 마음에 안드네요....애플처럼 심플하게 못하는지...


2018.08.22 09:07
가입일: 2016:06.26
총 게시물수: 5956
총 댓글수: 4795

이제 윈7에서 넘어오는분들은 많은 윈10 버전으로 혼란만 가중...



2018.08.22 16:46
가입일: 2018:04.24
총 게시물수: 66
총 댓글수: 493

단계를 넘어 한 방에 가는 방법도 나왔으면 좋겠습니다



2018.08.24 00:44
가입일: 2018:04.12
총 게시물수: 8
총 댓글수: 174

요번 가을이나 겨울쯤에 정식나온다고 하는데 원도우10은 이제는 rs버전업시긍로 간다고 한것보니 마지막 원도우가 맞는가하내요 ,,

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윈도정보 Windows 10 Redstone 5는 공식적으로 1809 버전입니다. file

Today, Microsoft released a new Windows 10 Insider Preview for PCs, bringing the build number to 17741. It doesn't contain much in the way of new feat...

  • 작성자: Op
  • 등록일: 2018-08-21