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Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14291 for PC and Mobile

By  / Corporate Vice President, Engineering Systems Team

Hi everyone,

Today we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14291 for both PC and Mobile to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. There are some very cool new things in this build, including one of the top requested features by Windows Insiders – extensions for Microsoft Edge!

Earlier today, we began the roll-out of Windows 10 Mobile to select Windows 8.1 phones. As we stated previously, devices which are eligible to receive Windows 10 will also be able to get preview builds from the Development Branch. We’ve already delivered a few builds to the devices which shipped with Windows 10, including the Lumia 550, 650, 950, 950 XL, Xiaomi Mi4, and Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL. We have updated the list of devices that will be capable of receiving updates as part of the Windows Insider Program going forward, and in the coming weeks we will deliver Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview builds from our Development Branch to these devices in the Fast ring.

Here’s what’s new in Build 14291

Extensions in Microsoft Edge: Today we are very excited to introduce extensions for Microsoft Edge. To try out an extension, just click on “More” (…) at the top right in Microsoft Edge and click “Extensions” to open the Extensions pane and click “Get extensions”. You can try out the Mouse Gestures, Microsoft Translator and Reddit Enhancement Suite extensions today with more on the way. Extensions are only available on PC. For more information on extensions for Microsoft Edge, check out this blog post from Drew.

Pinned Tabs in Microsoft Edge: Microsoft Edge now lets you pin tabs, making it super easy to keep your most-used sites and web apps always available. To pin a tab, right-click on the tab you want to pin and choose “Pin tab”. To unpin a tab, right-click on the pinned tab you want to unpin and choose “Unpin tab”. Pinned tabs always appear at the start of the tab row, and only showing the site’s favicon. Pinned tabs don’t show a close button, so you won’t accidentally close them. Pinned tabs that are in your Microsoft Edge window when you close the app will come back the next time you open Microsoft Edge.

Pinned tabs in Microsoft Edge

Other Microsoft Edge Improvements: You can now copy any link into your clipboard, and right-click on the address bar in Microsoft Edge and choose “Paste and go” from the context menu. Microsoft Edge pastes the URL into the address bar, and navigates to the site. You can also copy words to your clipboard, and choose “Paste and search”.

Paste-to-go in Microsoft Edge

We have also made it easier to close tabs in Microsoft Edge on your mobile device, especially on devices with a larger screen size by increasing the size of the close button for tabs on the Tabs page.

Updated Maps app: This build includes a updated Maps app for Windows 10 that brings a more lightweight, scalable, and consistent UI as well as underlying architecture improvements and new features for you to try!

Maps app for Windows 10 on PC Maps app for Windows 10 on mobile

  • One-tap access to search and directions from anywhere, even on your phone. This is great especially for one-handed use.
  • You can view multiple searches and directions at the same time, on the same map as they are layered on top of each other and you can use tabs or the map to switch between them.
  • You can now minimize search results, directions, and location info to enjoy more of the map, while keeping them in easy reach.
  • You can see labels for your search results directly on the map. No more numbers to match between the map and the list.
  • Cortana will give you turn-by-turn directions (if Cortana is enabled).
  • We have improved the logic for nearby searches so you should see better (closer) results.
  • We have added the ability to search for your favorite city in the 3D cities list so no more scrolling forever to get to the city you want.
  • You can now access your favorites offline and add notes to them.
  • We have updated the turn-by-turn design to improve glanceability and landscape layout.

For more information on the updated Maps app for Windows 10 – check out this blog post from the Maps Team.

Updated Alarms & Clock app: We have pushed out an update to the Alarm & Clock app that introduces a new inline time picker and improved design for creating and editing alarms and timers.

Updated Alarms and Clock app

Japanese one-handed kana touch keyboard: You can now choose one-handed kana touch keyboard for Japanese text typing. Type text in the same familiar way you would on your mobile device. One-handed keyboard is smaller than full-size touch keyboard, so it doesn’t hide your desktop too much. It can also be placed anywhere on the desktop. If you want to type with left hand, bring one-handed touch keyboard to the left side.

Japanese one-handed kana touch keyboard

Japanese Lined-mode Text Input Canvas: Now, you can have a new experience with the Japanese lined-mode Text Input Canvas. It provides you natural and intuitive text input for people who enter Japanese text. Edit the written characters, such as striking out inked text and modifying characters, can be easily done with a pen.

Japanese Lined-mode Text Input Canvas

Introducing Feedback Hub: As we announced last week, we are bringing together the Insider Hub and Windows Feedback apps into a single app called the Feedback Hub. And the Feedback Hub is now available in this build for both PC and Mobile. The Feedback Hub carries over all of the best things from the previous two apps plus a few new things. When you open Feedback Hub for the first time, you will see a search box at the top so you can quickly find and upvote feedback items from other Insiders or submit new feedback. You will also notice that Announcements and Quests show up together in a single feed under “What’s new”. When you submit new feedback to us, we have added a new description field so you can explain in more detail the feedback you are sending to us. The most helpful feedback for us includes a brief title that summarizes your feedback, then you can use the new description field to provide more detail, for example: the steps that an engineer could take to recreate a problem, or more information about a feature suggestion. And you’ll start seeing Microsoft engineers leaving comments on your feedback too! The familiar experience for browsing feedback is still a click away, just navigate to the Feedback tab from the left-hand navigation menu. We’re just starting to add capability to the new unified app and we’re excited to take this first step. We’re excited to hear what you think of the new Feedback Hub, go to Apps and Games > Feedback Hub and tell us what you think.

New Feedback Hub

Here are a few known issues for Feedback Hub to take note of:

  • We have a bug where the Feedback Hub will crash right after submitting feedback if you launched Feedback Hub using the hardware shortcuts for opening the app (VOL+POWER DOWN on mobile, Windows key + Shift + ? on PC). Don’t worry – we’re fixing this in the next flight, and your feedback is successfully submitted.
  • If you have previously pinned the Windows Feedback app to Start, you will notice it remains as a “dead tile”.  We are fixing this in future builds. You can unpin and re-pin the new Feedback Hub app to Start.
  • We have removed the screenshot capture feature and instead allow you to upload screenshots via the upload screenshot button. Hint: use VOL + POWER UP on mobile to take a screenshot, and on PC use Windows key + Print screen.

Here’s what’s fixed for PC

  • This issue causing the notification area (“systray”) to look out of alignment when turning on the “always show all icons in the notification area” should now be fixed.
  • We fixed the issue where connectivity to older Wi-Fi networks using the WEP encryption security method may be broken.
  • We fixed an issue where the “X” to close the “Find of Page” toolbar in Microsoft Edge is displayed off screen on 8-inch devices when in portrait mode.
  • We fixed an issue where the USB icon in the notification area was reverting to the old icon when ejecting drives.
  • We fixed an issue where clicking the suggested search in Microsoft Edge resulted in a URL to the search as the search string.

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문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다
엮인글 :

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



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