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(자유게시판에서 질문 금지) 질문하신 유저는 통보 없이 "계정정리" 될수 있습니다.

놀이터 일간 추천 베스트

놀이터 일간 조회 베스트

Microsoft is continuing to attract gamers to Windows 10, as shown by Steam’s latest survey for August 2016, which attributes almost 50% of Steam users using Windows 10as their choice of operating system.

Windows 10 continues to gain share, now on 23% of all PCs worldwide

Following on from Steam seeing increasing Windows 10 usage, NetMarketShare’s latest report also shows Windows 10 gaining traction overall, with it now being on 23% of PCs worldwide.

People Bar may be in the works in Windows 10 Redstone 2 builds

Redstone 2 builds are already being pushed to Windows Insiders on the Fast Ring, and as such, hidden features that Microsoft is working on are being discovered. One of them is called a People Bar. It allows contacts to be placed in the taskbar and accessed easily by clicking their profile picture, which will provide access to places to contact or collaborate on them from, through apps such as Skype and Office.

Microsoft looks to be working on a Blue Light Reduction feature for Windows 10 PC and Mobile

Blue Light causes issues with the eye as well as disrupting sleep schedules. Programs such as f.lux aim to help mitigate this by reducing the blue light emitted from displays during certain periods of time. In Redstone 2, Microsoft appears to be working to implement this functionality directly into Windows 10, known internally as Blue Light Reduction.

You can now order Windows 10 Play Anywhere games from the Windows Store

Microsoft is continuing to bring Xbox and Windows 10 closer together. This week, the company made a big stride forward by offering Xbox Play Anywhere titles in the Windows Store, allowing users to pre-order some of the upcoming titles for the price of 1 and own them on PC and Xbox.

For builds this week, here’s what we got:

That’s all for this week – let us know what you’re thinking about Redstone 2 in the comments below!

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List of Articles

윈도정보 윈도우10 Insider Preview build 11082 Redstone

Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 Insider Preview build 11082, its first Redstone releaseBy Andy Weir @gcaweir · 10 hours ago · HOT!55 Christmas has come...

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윈도정보 윈10 업데이트 있습니다. 이번에는 빌드버전이 17에서 29로 엄청 뛰어올랐네요

이전 빌드가 586.17이었는데 오늘 오전 업데이트 이후 29로 껑충 뛰었네요. 업데이트 이후 엣지 실행하니 초기화면으로 되돌아간걸 확인할수 있었습니다. 그리고...

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윈도정보 People Bar may be in the works in Windows 10 Redstone 2 builds

Microsoft is continuing to attract gamers to Windows 10, as shown by Steam’s latest survey for August 2016, which attributes almost 50% of Steam users ...

  • 등록일: 2016-09-06