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Windows 10 build 10586.218 is out with KB3147458

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

A new cumulative update for the stable branch of Windows 10 was released several hours ago. The patch KB3147458 resolves several security vulnerabilities in Windows 10 and improves the stability of the operating system. After you install this update, it raises the stable release version number of Windows 10 version 1511 (also known as Threshold 2 or November 2015 Update) to version10586.218.

KB3147458 is supposed to be installed through Windows Update. If you have not disabled Windows Update in Windows 10, it should be installed on your PC soon. This update does not provide any user interface changes or new features.

Windows 10 build 10586.218 

Here's the change log:

  • Improved reliability for Internet Explorer 11, .NET Framework, wireless LAN, Microsoft Edge, Windows Update, logon, Bluetooth, network connectivity, map apps, video playback, Cortana, USB, Windows Explorer, and Narrator.
  • Fixed issue with connectivity of USB devices until OS restart.
  • Improved discoverability of printers when a device resumes from sleep.
  • Fixed issues with lock screen.
  • Support for visual voicemail on dual SIM phones.
  • Fixed issue with audio playback using Groove music and other music apps on a phone.
  • Fixed issue with revised daylight savings time.
  • Fixed additional issues with shutdown delays, Narrator, Cortana, roaming data usage, buying apps in the Store, video playback, facial recognition, Bluetooth pairing, Microsoft Edge, logon, Internet Explorer 11, Live Tile updates, .NET Framework, and Microsoft Installer (MSI).
  • Improved security for CSRSS to address security feature bypass.
  • Fixed additional security issues with Security Account Manager Remote Protocol, HTTP.sys, secondary logon, Microsoft Graphics component, .NET Framework, CSRSS, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer 11.

KB3147458 direct download links

For those who need to download KB3147458 and install it offline or on multiple PCs at once, here are KB3147458 direct download links.

See how to determine if you are running 32-bit Windows or 64-bit.

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2016.04.15 01:50
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축하드립니다. ;)
Mania님은 행운의포인트에 당첨되어 97포인트 지급되었습니다.


2016.04.15 01:50
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최신버전 쓰레드홀드 2 빌드 10580.218


2016.04.15 01:50
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정보 감사합니다.


2016.04.15 01:50
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좋은정보 감사합니다 좋은하루 보내세요~


2016.04.15 01:50
가입일: 2018:09.19
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뭐가 달라졌는지 잘 모르지만.. 업데이트는 추천!


2016.04.15 01:50
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