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질문이후 질문 관리 안되는 회원 상황보고 통보 없이 계정 정리 합니다

개발자님, 제작자님 "전체닉네임" 사용금지×

윈10 에서 윈7 업데이트 통합 작업할때 에러 메세지 입니다.

스샷 찍는걸 잊긴했지만...

늘 항시 수동으로 MSU업데이트 하는걸 너무 많기도하고 그래서 접은지 좀 되고...

UpdatePack7R2 - 이 유틸리티가 WIM 통합을 지원하기에 늘 항상 애용하는 편이긴 합미다만...

윈7에서 작업하면 빠르게 업데이트 통합이 잘됩니다.

 - 즉, WIM마운트 -> UpdatePack7R2 실행 -> UpdatePack7R2 압축 해지 -> UpdatePack7R2 업데이트 파일 설치 -> WIM 최적화 -> WIM 마운트 해지(봉인) << 이 작업은 윈7에서 아주 잘됩니다.

하지만 제 메인컴이 윈10 PRO 이다보니 윈10에서 

 - WIM마운트 -> UpdatePack7R2 실행 -> UpdatePack7R2 압축 해지 까지는 대고나서 업데이트 파일을 설치할때 "장치를 찾을수 없습니다?" 라는 비슷한 메세지가 나오면서 모든 업데이트가 설치 및 통합이 안대는 에러가 있습니다.

UpdatePack7R2 로 통합 할때는 윈도우 10은 사용이 불가능인지요?

 - 사실 예상하는건 프로그램 자체가 7 전용이라 윈10에서는 안대는가 보다라는 호완성 문제가 있으리라고 보는데 했갈려서 질문을 올립니다.

예를 들면

C:\UP7.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=4 /Optimize

 - 이 명령어를 이용하여 작업 하긴합니다. ( 윈7, 10 동일로 저 명령어로 작업하는데 윈7만 대고 윈10은 에러가 뿜는군요... )

자료만 받아갈줄 아는 회원님들께, 개발자님들에게 최소한의 경우는 우리가 피드백으로 보답하는 겁니다

문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2017.10.19 07:53
총 게시물수: 227
총 댓글수: 1036

윈도우10에서도 잘 됩니다.

KB917607 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB982018-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2479943 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2491683 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2506014 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2506212 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2506928-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2509553 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2533552 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2545698 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2547666 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2552343 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2560656 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2563227 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2564958 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2574819-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2579686 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2592687 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2603229 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2604115 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2620704 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2621440 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2631813 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2640148-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2647753-v4 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2654428 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2660075 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2667402-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2670838 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2685811 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2685813 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2690533 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2698365 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2705219-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2716513 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2719033 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2719857 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2726535 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2727528 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2729094-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2732059-v5 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2732487-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2736422 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2742599 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2750841 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2761217 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2763523 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2770660 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2773072 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2786081 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2791765 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2799926 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2800095-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2807986 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2808679 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2813347 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2813430 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2818604 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2830477 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2834140-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2840631 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2843630-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2847927 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2852386 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2853952 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2857650 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2861698 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2862152 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2862330-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2862335 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2864202 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2868038 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2871997-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2882822 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2884256 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2891804 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2892074 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2893294 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2893519 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2894844 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2900986 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2908783 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2911501 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2912390 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2918077 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2919469 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2923545 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2931356 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2937610 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2943357 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2966583 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2968294 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2970228 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2972100 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2972211 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2973112 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2973201 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2973351 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2977292 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2978120 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2978742 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2984972 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2985461 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2991963 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB2992611 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3000483 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3003743 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3004361 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3004375-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3006121 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3006137 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3010788 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3011780 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3013531-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3020370 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3020388 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3020393 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3021674 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3022777 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3023215 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3030377 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3035126 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3037574 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3042058 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3045685 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3046017 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3046269 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3054476 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3055642 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3059317 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3060716 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3064209 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3067903 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3071756 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3072305 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3074543 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3075226 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3078601 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3078667 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3084135 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3086255 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3092627 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3093513 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3097989 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3101722 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3102429-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3107998 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3108371 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3108381 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3108664 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3109103 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3109560 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3110329 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3122648 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3126587 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3127220 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3137061 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3138378 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3138612 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3138910 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3139398 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3139914 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3140245 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3147071 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3150220 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3156016 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3156019 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3159398 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3161102 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3161949 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3161958 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3177467 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3179573 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3181988 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB3184143 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB4019990 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB4040966 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB4040980 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
Internet Explorer 11 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
UpdRoots - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
IE-Hyphenation-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
IE-LangPack-ko-kr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
IE-Spelling-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
KB4041681 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-ActiveX - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-Aux - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
WindowsUpdate-Core - Integration of the update has been successfully completed

List of Articles
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1709 설치/포멧 iso 파일을 이용하여 부팅 윈도디스크를 만들었는데요. 다시 iso파일로 추출가능한가요? + 3 힐링캠뿌 02-12 575  
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1704 설치/포멧 와.~~ hp 돌아 버리겠내요 + 5 아이콘 02-08 798  
1703 윈도우 hit 레미쯔 님 자료중... 문의 건 + 4 리오 02-08 4191  
1702 설치/포멧 rsimagex 로 윈도우 설치시 an operating system wasn't found 오류 file + 8 엄동 02-07 890  
1701 일반 포토샾 프린트관련 문의 드립니다 file + 5 네버 02-07 298  
1700 기타 완전 무선 이어폰 중 대용량 배터리 내장 제품 + 5 해비치 02-05 571  
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1697 설치/포멧 포터블 버전을 만들고 싶어요 + 2 어그래너 02-03 693  
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1695 윈도우 부팅 USB 만들때 rufus 방법과 복붙 방법의 차이점이 뭔가요? + 3 밴드닥터 02-03 541  
1694 설치/포멧 해킨토시 설치하기 어려운가요? + 8 fineav 02-02 948  
1693 윈도우 인터넷 서핑속도를 빠르게 하는 팁이있나요. + 7 행정학도 01-31 403  
1692 기타 요즘은 복구프로그램 어떤거 사용하나요? 원키고스트 많이 썼는데 + 7 김진국 01-31 1062  
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1689 기타 그래픽카드 메인칩 불량 혹은 메인보드 관련 질문드려요 + 3 IMTERMILANO 01-28 272  
1688 윈도우 윈도우10 재부팅 후 기본앱 초기화 문제 + 3 풀린신발끈 01-28 1605  
1687 윈도우 Odd 인식 오류 + 2 park1072 01-26 504  
1686 윈도우 네이버 만평 사이트가 이상합니다,, file + 4 해마천사 01-25 437  
1685 윈도우 GPT파티션에 윈도우10 설치 후 ESP파티션 숨김이 안됩니다. + 2 primus 01-24 699  
1684 윈도우 윈도우 네트워크 고급설정 변경하는 레지 있을가요?? 노노 01-24 172  

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