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놀이터 일간 추천 베스트

놀이터 일간 조회 베스트

profile 윈도우 SYSPREP 오류가 발생합니다.

작성자: 힛코 조회 수: 37386 PC모드

질문이후 질문 관리 안되는 회원 상황보고 통보 없이 계정 정리 합니다

개발자님, 제작자님 "전체닉네임" 사용금지×

문제가 되는 윈도우 버전 : Win10 
사용중인 PC 환경을 적어주세요 : VMware Workstation Pro 14 
질문상태 : 질문중 

2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP Package Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePackko-KR_17763.7.9.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users. This package will not function properly in the sysprep image.

2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP Failed to remove apps for the current user: 0x80073cf2.

2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP Exit code of RemoveAllApps thread was 0x3cf2.

2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Error in validating actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error                 SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while validating Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error      [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:41:45, Error      [0x0f00d8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while pre-validate sysprep generalize internal providers; hr = 0x80073cf2
2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP Package Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePackko-KR_17763.7.9.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users. This package will not function properly in the sysprep image.

2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP Failed to remove apps for the current user: 0x80073cf2.

2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP Exit code of RemoveAllApps thread was 0x3cf2.

2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Error in validating actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error                 SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while validating Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error      [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-12-05 16:44:42, Error      [0x0f00d8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while pre-validate sysprep generalize internal providers; hr = 0x80073cf2

이렇게 오류가발생하는데..

Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePackko-KR_17763.7.9.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe 이걸 삭제못해서 오류가 발생한다는거같은데.. 이프로그램이 뭔지 알수가없네요 ㅠㅠ 도움좀 주세요~

자료만 받아갈줄 아는 회원님들께, 개발자님들에게 최소한의 경우는 우리가 피드백으로 보답하는 겁니다

문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2018.12.11 22:15
가입일: 2016:05.08
총 게시물수: 45
총 댓글수: 892

한글언어팩인데, 혹시 영문버전 설치 후 한글팩을 설치하신건지요?

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