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Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14379 for PC and Mobile

By  / Software Engineer, Windows and Devices Group

Hello my Windows Insiders!

This week we have been hosting a Continuum App Contest in Redmond and it’s been really cool to see the awesome apps our dev Insiders have created.  I installed the finalists’ apps and love how useful they are to my day-to-day—on both PC AND Phone. You all should check them out, there are some that are quite—Insider-y






Windows Insider developers!


You can get a Perfect Workout—anywhere! The graphics & animations on this app are simply wow and failure-proof.

You can keep track of what’s going on with world currencies (along with a TON of other functionality) with Calc Pro (coming soon to HoloLens as well!).

I have my personal blog on WordPress, so I really loved WP for Windows (which has gorgeous magazine style layouts and a read-out-loud feature!).

EZPodder is perfect for me to consume TED Radio & my other fave podcasts from anywhere (the presentation also came with a free Design for non-Designers lesson along with MVVN design patterns example, which was awesome for a nerd like me!).

And of course, what is life without a hilarious Meme Generator Suite (and there are a TON of templates especially for you, my creative Windows Insiders!).

We in Redmond are about to take off for the long weekend to celebrate the 4th of July weekend, BUT before then we wanted to give you what we’ve been working on. Today we are releasing Build 14379 for both PC and Mobile to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring with another batch of bug fixes based on feedback:

Improvements and fixes for PC

  • We fixed an issue where the size of the Credential UI might not be big enough to display the contents on a PC with High DPI.
  • We fixed an issue where Action Center might crash after dismissing a large number of notifications.
  • We fixed an issue where Centennial app launches from Start or Cortana wouldn’t count towards those apps bubbling up in Start’s “Most used” list.
  • We fixed an issue where no note would have keyboard focus after minimizing then reopening the Sticky Notes app.


자료만 받아갈줄 아는 회원님들께, 개발자님들에게 최소한의 경우는 우리가 피드백으로 보답하는 겁니다

문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다
엮인글 :

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2016.08.25 23:44
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축하드립니다. ;)
달림이님은 행운의포인트에 당첨되어 12포인트 지급되었습니다.


2016.08.25 23:44
가입일: 2015:11.28
총 게시물수: 823
총 댓글수: 7588
굉장히 자주 업데이트 되는 거 보니,
완성 버전 출시가 가까이 가는 듯합니다. 2016. 7. 29 ( 윈도우 10 출신 기념 1주년 일 )


2016.08.25 23:44
총 게시물수: 37
총 댓글수: 7469
잘 봤습니다 좋은 정보 고맙습니다.


2016.08.25 23:44
가입일: 2016:07.02
총 게시물수: 340
총 댓글수: 8851
좋은 정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.25 23:44
가입일: 2018:12.01
총 게시물수: 20
총 댓글수: 39
좋은 정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.25 23:44
가입일: 2018:08.16
총 게시물수: 25
총 댓글수: 626
좋은 정보 고맙습니다. 늘 행복하고 건강하세요


2016.08.25 23:44
가입일: 2018:08.16
총 게시물수: 25
총 댓글수: 626
좋은 정보 고맙습니다. 늘 행복하고 건강하세요


2017.05.03 06:08
가입일: 2015:11.27
총 게시물수: 7
총 댓글수: 1065

좋은 소식 감사드립니다

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