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놀이터 일간 추천 베스트

놀이터 일간 조회 베스트

Hello my Windows Insiders!

Since you all seemed to like the breakneck build pace last week, we’re starting the week off right and releasing not one, not two, not three…but *four* builds today. Today we are releasing Build 14376 for both PC and Mobile to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. The late nights continue in Redmond and this build has nearly 1,800 fixes over the last build – with many of the notable fixes and improvements listed below.

For Windows Insiders in the Slow ring, we are releasing Build 14372 for PC and Mobile to you today as well.

IMPORTANT: Today, we are pushing a few builds out to into our internal rings in addition to today’s Fast and Slow builds and as a result of that, the builds for PC for the Fast and Slow rings is a little bit behind in rolling out and should be available in the next few hours depending on your region. Update 4:00pm Pacific: The PC builds should be live!

Improvements and fixes for PC

  • We’re rolling out an Store update (11606.1001.25) that improves performance and reliability and includes fixes for accessibility as well.
  • Clicking on networks or VPN connections in the network flyout on the taskbar should now launch the network settings page like it should. We also fixed an issue where the network flyout would sometimes only show the network settings link, despite being currently connected to Wi-Fi.
  • For my dev peeps: we fixed the issue causing an error message when you enable Developer Mode due to the necessary package needed from Windows Update not being published appropriately. Go forth and create!
  • We have updated Narrator to now support using physical volume buttons to adjust the volume while Narrator is in Scan Mode. We also fixed an issue that could result in Narrator crashing when arrowing through list entries.
  • We have updated Windows Hello on the Lock screen to not repeat the name of the person logging in, when it is already displayed on the screen.
  • We have fixed an issue where you might be unable to type in some UWP apps. We also fixed an issue resulting in certain Polish characters being duplicated when typed into UWP apps.
  • We fixed an issue where the Lock screen background might not be displayed correctly.
  • We fixed an issue where your password would revert be being hidden if you tried to edit it while holding the reveal button.
  • We fixed an issue where the search dropdown in the Settings app could end up displaying above the search box instead of below it. We also fixed an issue where the “For developers” settings page would be blank while checking for an optional package, and an issue resulting in no handwriting, speech and other optional components being listed for languages that do support them.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in not being able to turn on “set time zone automatically”.
  • We fixed an issue where the icons in some Start menu tiles could appear zoomed in, for example Alarms & Clock app or Calculator app.
  • We have improved the consistency in scrolling and zooming speeds between monitors when using a precision touchpad on a multiple-monitor setup.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in Explorer.exe crashing after receiving a notification from Microsoft Edge.
  • We fixed an issue where the caret might jump to the beginning of the line, rather than maintaining current y axis position when using the up and down arrow keys in a textbox in Microsoft Edge.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in an authentication error when launching mstsc.exe from an elevated Command Prompt.


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문제가 있던 없던 그동안 고생하신 것을 생각하여 피드백 작성을 부탁 드립니다
엮인글 :

의견쓰기::  상업광고, 인신공격,비방, 욕설, 아주강한음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. 회원정리 게시판



2016.08.25 23:55
가입일: 2016:07.02
총 게시물수: 340
총 댓글수: 8851
좋은 정보 감사합니다.


2016.08.25 23:55
총 게시물수: 1
총 댓글수: 29
머여 업뎃 요즘 너무빠르네요


2016.08.25 23:55
총 게시물수: 4
총 댓글수: 373
윈도우10 기존 한글서체 인식문제땜에 안써유~ ㅠㅠ


2016.08.25 23:55
총 게시물수: 0
총 댓글수: 12453
[가을사랑님 에게]
축하드립니다. ;)
가을사랑님은 행운의포인트에 당첨되어 9포인트 지급되었습니다.


2016.08.25 23:55
가입일: 2018:08.16
총 게시물수: 25
총 댓글수: 626
좋은 정보 고맙습니다. 늘 행복하고 건강하세요


2017.05.03 06:11
가입일: 2015:11.27
총 게시물수: 7
총 댓글수: 1065

좋은 소식 감사드립니다

List of Articles
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